Look at all these neat programs that have been made specifically for the Sega Saturn to show you how to do it!

Saturn Sample Programs

Dev Contest CDs

The Rockin'-B Homepage

Charles Mac Donald Homepage

CyberWarriorX Homepage
  • View Source Available Bitmap test #1 - 15BPP.
  • View Source Available Bitmap test #2 - 24BPP.
  • View Source Available Bitmap test #3 - 24BPP using Line Scroll.
  • View Source Available Mechs #1 - First attempt at porting Mechs(written by Andre LaMothe) using tiles/sprites.
  • View Source Available Mechs #2 - Second attempt at porting Mechs(written by Andre LaMothe) using bitmaps.
  • View Source Available Mosaic - Mosaic Test program.
  • View Source Available Mouse Test - Program that utilizes the Saturn Shuttle Mouse.

Reinhart Homepage
  • View Star (iso) - it's a puzzle game where your 'pacman' must get some rings but he can be stopped only by a wall.
  • View Source Available Shooter (iso) (source) - Space shoot em up game, has horizontal scrolling and collision detection. Fantastic!
  • View Source Available 3D Cube (source) - Rotating textured cube with a smaller cube inside.
  • View Source Available Rock inside (source) - Sprite animation test.
  • View Source Available Memory (source) - Find pairs of pictures. Uses sprites.
  • View Source Available Morpion (source) - Tic Tac Toe game. Does NOT run on a real Saturn.
  • View Source Available Sonic Steals a ring - Reinhart´s entry for the 2003 Sat Dev Contest.

vreuzon Homepage

Mic Homepage

Charles Doty Homepage

Denis Homepage

Antime Homepage
  • Source Available Copper - Displays a copperbar using the back screen.
  • View Source Available Spritebend -This program is intended to illustrate the bending effect that occurs in concave polygons when the Saturn paints outside the edges.

  • View Snake - The well known Snake game but for twelve players !!!
  • View Source Available Save game copier - Restore your save using this tool.

  • View Source Available Cube - Self rotating 3D cube.
  • View Source Available Keypress - A keypress detector.

Artemio Urbina Homepage
  • View Source Available 2 Sprites + 3D background - Two sprites, each one is controlled by one pad. If you disconnect the pads they rotate. Also the Robot in the Background can be manipulated.
  • Source Available Controller demo - It is a test for reading the pads and displaying their status on the TV Set.


VBT Homepage

cafe-alpha Homepage

SeGaFrEaK_NL Homepage

Bart Trzynadlowski Homepage


  • BDay demo - Hello! I bring you all this urgent message: THE SEGA SATURN R0X0RS!!!.

Daniel Eriksson
  • View Christmas Greeting - Yes, you guessed it, this displays a christmas greeting on your Saturn.

  • Source Available Stardust - The only SNES Saturn Emulator in existance, no it doesnt run any games.

Anreas Stangl